SOLA Hard Seltzer

Branding | Art Direction | Packaging


Sola is an organic hard seltzer brand that I had the opportunity to create. I started with research and then made a strong brand identity that felt youthful and fun while standing out from established competitors on the market. I built a logo system, flavor-specific icons, and a color system.


Brand identity, logo system, packaging system for 16oz can and box packaging, environmental graphics, and marketing materials.



Brand development, art direction, layout, illustration. packaging system and web system.


Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, XD, Figma, and Procreate


10 weeks
January 2022-March 2022



Canned adult beverages have always been popular, but because of covid, there has been a decline in social interactions. People are finally ready to get out to socialize and celebrate summer. There is an opportunity to develop a new type of hard seltzer that has health benefits and is also desired by our target consumers.


Our goal was to develop and brand a hard seltzer that would compete with top brands in the market and offer benefits no other seltzer can. Sola makes drinking fun and delivers a healthy, top-quality organic hard seltzer consumers can feel good about drinking. Our brand result features clean typography and playful graphics, and our flavors stand out individually by color and look cohesive, standing side by side on a shelf.



Concept + Moodboard


Brand Development

I began my brand development by researching the rise of hard Seltzers since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. I discovered that during this time, there was a massive growth in this category reaching over four billion dollars. The rise of canned cocktails fueled the growing popularity of hard seltzers. Through my research, I discovered a gap in the market that was not being met. There were few options for local, organic, and health-driven hard seltzers. I did some top brand audits and surveys before beginning my sketching exploration phase for logo and packaging.

Logo Design


Using a clean San serif type and color to display differences in each flavor and allow the cans to sit side by side and stand apart yet have a feeling of cohesiveness. The “A” keeps our herbal-inspired green color in every flavor to represent a core value of the brand’s identity; dedication to organic, natural, and local ingredients.




Sketching Exploration

Custom Patterns

Packaging System


Web Design


